About Us

The purpose of the Lay Orgnization is to organize and train the lay members of the AME Church, so that each member may utilize, to their maximum, the abilities and skills granted by God, in assisting with thr improvement and extension of God's kingdom, while creating happiness, peace, and harmony among it's members
The mission of the Lay Organization is to provide training and promote active involvement of the laity in studying the history of African Methodism, the AME Book of Discipline, Christian Stewardship, Evangelism and Parliamentary Procedures
The organized lay movement dates back to the 1912 General Conference, which was held in Kansas City, Missouri. The Lay Organization is one of the newest auxiliaries in our church relative to our total years of existence. The Lay Organization was formed as a means of providing the laity of the church an official voice within our great Zion and has contributed immeasurably to the passage of some of the most constructive, progressive and far-reaching legislation which has been enacted into law by our Zion. It is charged with the task of being the training and teaching arm of our Church.
Our Zion is a worldwide Church and welcomes all nationalities, races and genders. We are divided into 20 Episcopal Districts. Each district is further divided into conferences. The Fifth Episcopal District, of which we are a part, is territorially the largest within our Zion and is divided into six conferences. The Midwest Conference was created on July 10, 2008 when the 48th General Session of our Zion voted to combine two historic conferences – The Northwest Missouri and the Kansas/Nebraska Conferences. While other auxiliaries unofficially merged prior to this historic session, the Lay Organizations of both former conferences fought side-by-side against the merger until the very end. This delayed the official organizing of the Midwest Conference Lay Organization until January 10, 2009 when elections were held at Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Kansas City, Missouri. The first officers of this newly formed conference were:
- Luegene Hill
Conference President - Rosie L. Horn
First Vice-President - Dianna Maddix
Second Vice-President - Phyllis A. Kitchen
Third Vice-President - Barbara Cooper
Recording Secretary - Kay Davis
Assistant Recording Secretary - Sharon Owens- Bradford
Corresponding Secretary - Margaret Riley
Treasurer - Darian Jefferson
Financial Secretary - Donald Bratton
Chaplain - Cedric Patton
Historiographer - Beverly Workcuff
Parliamentarian - Thelma Williams
Director of Lay Activities - Sharon Burnett
Director of Public Relations - Kanika Calvin
Young Adult Representative
Bishop John Richard Bryant, Senior Bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and architect of the merger, believed that we would be stronger and more effective together than apart.
It has been our sincere desire to prove the wisdom of Bishop Bryant’s prophetic belief, and to carry it on into the days of our present bishop, Bishop T. Larry Kirkland, Fifth Episcopal District Presiding Prelate. As we now are one, seeking to truly fulfill our mission of training the laity of our great Zion with clergy, in unity! Pray for us. Join us.